The very first online P2P lending platform dates back to 2005 where about more than 2.8 billion GBP were lent by the consumers of the UK. It works on the same vision of Swift and Mohammad Yunus who popularized the idea of microfinance. Now, the motive of P2P lending platforms is to bring the unbanked population under the scheme of finances. Further with the fall of Lehman Brothers in the year 2008, peer-to-peer lending platforms picked up the pace.
Our P2P crypto lending exchange platform is fully fortified with the market-leading features such as multi-layer security, auto-renewal of loans, flexible interest rates, admin-panel, refinance options and many more.
If you are considering developing your P2P crypto lending platform, we can help. We offer a white label P2P lending platform, underpinned by industry-leading features, which accelerates deployment and reduces the development cost. Besides, we can build a fully-customized P2P lending platform for you, right from scratch, based on your business model.
Schedule a free demo of our white label P2P lending platform, or connect with our subject matter experts to share your needs for a custom lending platform.
Read more @ P2P Crypto Lending Exchange: How to Build One?
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